Physical Therapy

&  Wellness Center, Inc.

7800 Red Road. Suite 105. South Miami, FL 33143

    To learn more about:

  • Shoulder Anatomy
  • Pain Generators 
  • Shoulder stability
  • Scapulo-humeral Rhythms
  • Scapulo-thoracic Rhythms 
  • & more!

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Click Below!

    To learn more about:

  • The Cervical Spine
    • Anatomy
    • Movement
    • Injuries 
  • The Lumbar Spine
    • Anatomy
    • Movement
    • Injuries
  • The Thoracic Spine
    • Anatomy
    • Movement
    • Injuries​
  • Injury Prevention for the Spine
  • & more!

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Click Below!

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    To learn more about:

  • Back Pain
  • Spine Stabilization 
  • The "Six Pack" Muscles
  • Diagnostic Imaging (MRI, CT-Scan, X-Ray)
  • & more!

    To learn more about:

  • Unlocking the Inner Core
  • Core Control
  • Lumbar Stabilization 
  • The Abdominals
  • & more!

    To learn more about:

  • Knee Anatomy
  • Knee Biomechanics
  • "Athrokinematics"
  • Screw Home Mechanism
  • & more!


Want to learn more about your body, how it works, and how it is structured ?

Well, now you can!

To access information on the following topics, please read below: